Bachelor – degree program.
We prepare our students for careers in the management of international companies. Our aim is to give students a broad academic education that results in a generalist qualification in economics and strong digital competencies. This, in turn, should equip them with the necessary long-term skills needed to work in various leadership positions within the economic sector.
- Online degree program in virtual reality
- Study full-time or part-time
Your learning objectives
- Imparting international best-practice knowledge in business studies through a broad academic syllabus
- Understanding of general organizational processes as well as core strategic and operational business excellence
- Building up and promoting individual and sustainable reflection and competences in decision making
- Recognition and in-depth understanding of digitalization in today’s business
Breakdown of curriculum
- Introduction to business administration
- Marketing I – basics
- Accounting I – standard accounting practices
- Entrepreneurship
- Introduction to corporate process management
Breakdown of curriculum
- Marketing II – ales & distribution
- Accounting II – Cost Accounting Practices
- International Management
- Digital Management
- Seminar „Strategic Positioning“
Breakdown of curriculum
- Statistics I
- Human Resource Management
- Change Management
- Strategic Mangement
- Seminar „Digital Change“
Breakdown of curriculum
- Statistics II
- Predictive Analytics
- Micro Economics
- Innovation Management
- Seminar “Production Management”
Breakdown of curriculum
- Scientific writing
- Seminar “Organizational Psychology”
- Management Motivation & Leadership
- Controlling
- Seminar “Business Ethics”
Breakdown of curriculum
- Bachelor Dissertation

Breakdown of curriculum
- introduction to business administration
- Marketing I – basics
- Accounting I – standard accounting practices
- Entrepreneurship
- introduction to corporate process management
Breakdown of curriculum
- Marketing II – ales & distribution
- Accounting II – Cost Accounting Practices
- International Management
- Digital Management
- Seminar „Strategic Positioning“
Breakdown of curriculum
- Statistics I
- Human Resource Management
- Change Management
- Strategic Mangement
- Seminar „Digital Change“
Breakdown of curriculum
- Statistics II
- Predictive Analytics
- Micro Economics
- Innovation Management
- Seminar “Production Management”
Breakdown of curriculum
- Scientific writing
- Seminar “Organizational Psychology”
- Management Motivation & Leadership
- Controlling
- Seminar “Business Ethics”
Breakdown of curriculum
- Bachelor Dissertation
Allocation of study places.
Secure your place now!
We expect a significantly higher number of applicants than we can accommodate in the first semesters.
Register for studies now by using the contact form below. We will keep you informed about the development of the university, the degree programs and the enrollment process.