Imprint / Legal Notice
Telemedia Operator is
AureaVR GmbH
Pfälzer Ufer 4
06108 Halle (Saale)
Managing director (CEO): Prof. Dr. Carsten Fussan
Commercial register: Stendal
Commercial register number: HRB31885
Fon: +49 345 68557874
Responsible for the content according to sec. 18 of the German Interstate Media Treaty is, unless stated otherwise, Prof. Dr. Carsten Fussan (address as stated above).
The Commission of the European Union provides consumers with a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR-platform), accessible via . We are, however, not obliged to attend such proceedings nor do we do so voluntarily.
All content provided on this website is subject to copyright law. Any use by third parties requires the express prior consent of the Telemedia Operator. All rights reserved.